The Segneshütte

In the middle of the UNESCO World Heritage Tectonic Arena Sardona on the lower Segnesboden is the Segneshütte, one of the oldest mountain huts in the region at 2,100 metres above sea level.

From the sun terrace, you can admire the ‘Glarner Hauptüberschiebung’ with the ‘Tschingelhörner’ and the ‘Martinsloch’. On the other side of the valley you have a beautiful view of the Flimserstein, from where the great landslide occurred around 10,000 years ago.

Visitor pavilion

Immerse yourself in the past and travel back to the origins of the geology of this region. In the pavilion you will get an insight into the formation of this unique and imposing overthrust. A highlight is the view of the lower Segnesboden and the Tschingelhörner with the Martinsloch.

Opening hours: The visitor pavilion World Heritage Sardona is open on Saturdays and Sundays and is supervised by expert GeoGuides.

Free of charge, without registration

Sleep under the stars at 2’100 metres above sea level

Zimmer Segneshütte

The Segneshütte is a truly unique place to stay.

Situated in the midst of the UNESCO world heritage site, the recently renovated rooms offer an experience not to be missed.
In winter you have the opportunity to be situated in the centre of the LAAX ski area with 224km of pistes and in summer you can marvel at the wonder of the landscape.

A 3 course dinner and breakfast is available to all guests.

Our restaurant & terrace

The Segneshütte is a beloved destination at all times of the year, whether it be for a coffee and cake when skiing down to Flims, or a refreshing drink while on a hike in the summer the terrace offers a fantastic place to relax.

Segneshütte Food Essen Flims Laax Terrasse